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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:36回 リリース日:2015年2月4日
No differences[nZk ver.]
作詞 Benjamin/mpi 
Got over it ages ago
Where we were from the same river
Thinking about how we lost our minds
I don't care what's in the past
They don't care about old trouble
Many wars wherever you go
Somebody please!
Can we stop all the fights?
I'll do it because it's my turn

Take a step back
Please face up to reality YES!
You don't hear me No!
You can change that if you want
But don't you know?
There are people crying everyday
Let's fly away
For Earth and Mars today!

Don't stop me now
Look around the world
How can we stop the war
Hello. But Are we sure enough?
You'll come back tomorrow
But I need to know that
Look around the world
So What are we fighting for?
Can I ask you?
Why the sky is blue?
There's no difference
You and me

Take a step back
Please face up to reality YES!
You don't hear me No!
You can change that if you want
But don't you know?
There are people crying everyday
Let's fly away
For Earth and Mars today!

Don't stop me now
Look around the world
How can we stop the war
Hello. But Are we sure enough?
You'll come back tomorrow
But I need to know that
Look around the world
So What are we fighting for?
Can I ask you?
Why the sky is blue?
There's no difference
You and me

Coz It's time to wake you up!
Over there my friend now
Come on take my hand
Take it now
See, Far away
See the dawn
It's time to grow
Over there my friend
Here we are
Come on! Just share this perfect sky
See the dawn

Hold me now
Catch my hopes
Feel me now
In your arms

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