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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
Forget about It
作詞 Salle de Jong/Nao Yoshioka/Hugo Den Oudsten/Shirma Rouse/Brian Owens 
作曲 Salle de Jong/Nao Yoshioka/Hugo Den Oudsten/Shirma Rouse/Brian Owens
Nao Yoshioka
The way I move
Laid back in the groove
The way of living smoove
Got no time to lose
What's happened in the past
It has already past
Small stuff, I've had enough
Not gonna sweat the little things no more

Forget about it
All about it

Let me show you what you gonna do
Let me show you what you gonna do

Ain't got no time
I'm livin' too much life
Won't nothing pass me by
Flying high in the friendly skies
Just elevate your mind
Haters always fall behind
Moving pass the present
And my futures gonna shine
Light bright make ya blind

Forget about it
All about it

Let me show you what you gonna do
Let me show you what you gonna do

The way I move
Laid back in the groove
The way of living smoove
Baby got no time to lose
What's happened in the past
It has already past
If I have to fight I'm going through
Shooting star pass the moon

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
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