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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 Hiroyuki Sawano/Benjamin/mpi 
作曲 Hiroyuki Sawano
馴染めた白 鳥かご隅 鼓動獲たツボミも
置き去り声 眩めた 記憶の影

I need your blood
You read love 唱える
嗅ぎ分けた音|音と こじ開けたReasonが

罪・音 LIVE&死&I
キリがない「欲しい」でも 利害鳴る鈴
懺悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でたズレを辿る
木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐ

I must be sacrificed
So can I help you all?
I'll be a scapegoat if I can
My resolution failed
And all who died
Light of day still hurts me

You so need to know
You don't need to go
You're waiting right here
A way for me to make it back
Some way I won't need to attack
Everything has gone so wrong

Come on break it down for me!
A river will flow
You are not my enemy
I'll let you prove me wrong
You can trust me when I say
It won't be long
We're gonna see the end of night
Don't forsake me now
We haven't got the time

The fallen angels I run with all know
It's our fear that makes us all human after all
Torn old sepia photographs show
Our fragile little world
Must reject it, respond to the
Calling, screaming inside of my soul
It's my fear of loving what's
Dearest to us all
Sun is fading
It will set forever

Are you still my family?
A river will flow
You are not my enemy
I'll let you prove me wrong
You can trust me when I say
It won't be long
We're gonna see the end of night

Come on break it down for me
A river will flow
KEYがない「欲しい」でも 利害鳴る鈴
懺悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でた意図を辿る
木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐ

The fallen angels I run with all know
It's our fear that makes us all human after all
Torn old sepia photographs show
Our fragile little world
Must reject it, respond to the
Calling, screaming inside of my soul
It's my fear of loving what's
Dearest to us all
Sun is fading
It will set forever

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
うたまっぷ 」では、著作権保護の観点より歌詞の印刷行為を禁止しています。



オリコンミュージックストアで SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Yoshさん『scaPEGoat』をダウンロードする


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